Wednesday 4 April 2012

Common reasons for boredom in bedroom what to do about them

Are you bored with your sex life? Well, if you care to admit that you might be in a relationship in which the fire has started to dwindle a bit, you are not alone.
It happens to everyone and in every relationship.
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In fact, a good way to look at your sex life is comparing it to a campfire. Once the fire gets going, it’s just a matter of time before you see the flames climb high into the night’s sky.
But then, as with every roaring fire, the flames burn down a bit and, if there aren’t any more logs thrown into the fire, all that will be left is just a hot bed of red coals! The trick is to keep putting fuel on those red coals before the fire goes out completely.
So, how do you feed that fire? After all, you really do wish you could get that “old spark” back and have the kind of great sex you used to, right?
Sexual boredom can occur in any relationship after the first initial excitement of being together wears off. After all, you and your lover may come home from a long day at work, looking pretty tired, and the last thing on your mind might be jumping on the kitchen table to get it on, right? She may have forgotten to shave for the last two weeks and she doesn’t look as sexy as she once did – we have all been there. And of course, you’re not helping matters either by walking around, scratching you backside with your old boxers on.
Meanwhile, those hot coals in the fire pit are nearly gone.
So what do you do? Do you throw the giant log into the fire, hoping that it catches on fire again?
Most likely, what the only thing the log will do is put the fire out of its misery - forever. Why is that? Because the bigger the log, the bigger the expectations. And when our expectations are dashed, we tend to give up or get angry and walk away.
Instead, take simple and small steps to get your love back on track.
Your sex life reflects your life in general. If you are stressed, ill, or bored with your life, usually those same feelings transfer over to your sex life too. Your sex life is simply a mirror to what you are experiencing at the moment.
So what’s the answer to sexual boredom? To bring the fire back into the bedroom, you have to bring excitement to your life outside the bedroom first! try and get hold of maleextra pills and grow your penis bigger
Here are a few tips:
  1. Clean out the clutter – your room, your car, and your life. Get rid of all the things that weigh you down, spiritually, emotionally or visually. This is like removing all the useless ash from your fire pit. The more ash you get rid of, the more room you will have to be you.
  2. Start exercising - This gets the juices flowing in every part of your body including your privates. If you’re not the “gym” type, take walks after dinner or go for a bike ride. Just get off your ass and start moving!
  3. Feed your creativity - Go to a theatrical play, an art show, or a music concert. The passion that comes from the art you experience can transcend to your mind, attitude, and ultimately your sex life!
  4. Communicate - Many times, you will find that your love life directly correlates with the type of communication you and your partner are experiencing. Doing the above mentioned things will help with communication. It’s easier to talk about art, music, or your health to help get you back on track. You will find that those little sparks will also help you talk about the bills being due, when you need to pick up the kids, or what chores need to be done.
  5. Bring her small gifts - The act of generosity can unlock a lot of past hang-ups, including resentments, frustrations, and annoyances that may exist between the two of you. Start small with gifts such as flowers, scarves, and coupons for getting her nails done. All these things make her feel special and provide you the feeling that you are doing a good job taking care of her!
  6. Increase Your Confidence – Women love a man with confidence. Perhaps you need an extra nudge to get the fire going. Perhaps, you want show her that you’re as sexual as ever!
Sexual excitement always begins before entering the bedroom. If you remember to slowly feed your fire, soon those small gestures will ignite into a small but powerful fire with tremendous potential. In no time at all, you will be ready to put that big log back in the fire bit and see the flames, once again, fill the night sky.

Lasting Ideas on How to Satisfy Your Woman through Anchors

Lasting Ideas on How to Satisfy Your Woman through Anchors
So, you think you know how to satisfy your woman?
Well, if you’re like most men, than you’re probably thinking that there isn’t much left to learn in the world of female satisfaction. Interestingly, survey after survey suggests otherwise – In fact, many women still continue to fake their orgasms, as well as a significant percentage of them remain “not as satisfied” with their sex life, when comparing sex with their past lovers. That means that most of the time, they think someone in their past was a lot better or even bigger than you!
Being “good enough” in sports or math is acceptable. When it comes to sex, however, the place you don’t want to be in your lover’s mind is simply, “good enough” or “average.” If that’s where you think you are, don’t worry, because there are some very simple things that you can do to change the game – starting today! learn how to grow a bigger penis with male extra supplement
To be better than average, you must learn to develop what are called “love anchors.” What are love anchors, you ask? Well, dear boy, love anchors are what forever will separate you among your lover’s past exploits. Anchors are what will make her wish for you when you are not around. Anchors will be the things that she fantasizes about when she is making love to her husband and wishing she was with you instead.
Let us begin.
Anchors are “sticking points” that are sealed with emotion, creativity, and sexual tension with something that is familiar to her. They are specific and isolated moments or sensations that are specifically “anchored” to one of your lover’s six senses with something that is grounded in her day to day life.
Yes, that’s right – six senses. Let’s review: humans have five normal senses of sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. Senses are “lenses” by which we “sense” what is going on around us and what is happening to us.
Women, on the other hand, have one more sense – that is their sense of “romance and imagination.” Ask any woman, what she is doing when she meets a man that she likes, and she will not readily admit the truth: she is placing him in imaginary roles – father, lover, friend, or door mat.
So, you’re job is to develop anchors (one or more) in each of the six categories to ensure your place in the lover’s role! For you novices, try to do this with just one of the six “senses” at a time.
I will repeat: an anchor is an extremely memorable moment that is sealed with emotion, creativity, and sexual tension that you share with your lover and connect it with something that is already familiar to her.
Now remember, these anchors don’t always have to be erotic - they can be fun too.
Let me give you one example: My ex-girlfriend lives in a great apartment on a beautiful street, lined with great trees. She loves those trees. So, after one evening together - being a little tipsy from a great time out - we decided to walk back to her place. As we walked home, I made it a point to stop at every single tree and kiss her.
Some kisses were passionate, others were cute pecks on the cheek or neck, and others were a kisses were light on the back of the hand as I squatted on a bent knee.
During the slow walk back to her place, we created incredible sexual tension at each of these trees. By the time we got home, she was ready to pounce on me and roar! And roar is what she did, boys.
The next day, she couldn’t stop texting me about how much she loved the evening and that how much she enjoyed kissing at every tree on her side of the street! I must admit, it was pretty fun.
Now, a couple of years have passed, but every time she thinks about those trees on her block, every time she comes home from a long day, every time she leaves for work, who do you think she be thinking about? What will she be thinking about? That’s right boys, me.
In fact, even though we had an amicable split, she often sends me messages or emails telling me that she is thinking about the night we kissed at every tree, or how much those trees remind her of me and that wonderful evening several summers ago – and she sends me these messages even though she is now engaged to someone else! That is an example of an anchor. I anchored those familiar trees she sees every day with a great sexual experience that began long before we jumped into bed.

Four Things that You Should Not do in Bed with your Woman

Congratulations, you were able to get your woman into bed! Things are looking good for you, right? That is, until you blow it!
You would actually be surprised about how many men do everything right to sack their women into bed, only to flounder at the very last second and end up with a giant case of blue balls.
So, we decided to put together a list of four things for you not to do just as heaven’s gates are about to open!
  1. Don’t Ever Bring Up Your Ex - Not Ever. This is the ultimate cock blocker. It doesn’t matter if your current girl is in an entirely different league than your last girl. The simple truth is that if you bring the topic of your Ex in bed, your current girl will think that you are thinking about your past sex partners just as she is about to share her most beautiful gift with you! If you want to compliment her, don’t do it by comparing her features or personality traits with some other chick you used to bang. For example: “You have nicer boobs than my Ex,” simply will not do. In fact, bringing up your ex-girlfriend at the most intimate time, could not only damage your chances with having great sex, but it could also cause your girl to have lingering thoughts about whether or not you are still pining after your ex-girlfriend.
  2. Don’t Show Your Insecurity. Okay, so you might have a few inches to lose around the waist and your man boobs are just too much for most women to bare, but don’t show you’re insecurity here. After all, you did get your lady to hop into bed with you for obviously other substantial reasons that don’t have much to do with your body. Most likely, she was attracted to your charm, your wit, and your confidence. Throwing out those very sexy features about you literally leaves her with nothing but your hairy love handles to grab. Instead, make your features work for you. Rather, say: “Come to Papa” or “There’s a whole Lotta Man here for you!” Remember, it’s all about confidence, which is the sexiest and perhaps the biggest attribute you got in your pocket – don’t throw it away.
  3. Don’t Treat Her Like A Guy: Yes, your girl might be cool with your guy antics, but not in bed – that’s a whole different world from your grease-stained-cigar smelling-man-sofa. Don’t fart, burp, or scratch your balls while you’re going for broke. These are huge turn-offs to any woman with a little class and sophistication. Even if she laughs at these juvenile antics, what she’s really thinking is, “My God, how did I end up here with this guy?” If you have to relieve yourself in any way, then quickly excuse yourself from the room and go to the bathroom.
  4. Hygiene is Essential. The difference between getting laid and jumping fast out of bed with blue balls could essentially come down to your hygiene. This is a critical subject for couples. Most men smell. We work out, we play sports, and we wear the same shirt three days in a row (well, some of us anyway). That’s all fine and dandy when you’re with your guy friends on a camping trip, but not when you’re on your girl’s new silky-satin sheets that she recently sprayed with her lavender aromatherapy. Most women, whether they realize it or not, get turned on by their partner’s smell. So you have to keep things clean, especially around your “amigo”. You might also consider shaving or at the very least, trimming your pubic hair since hairs are “Odor Factories.” The surface of you pubic hair is especially ripe for funky bacteria to release their stinky flatulence, causing you to reek.
Remember, not doing certain things is just as important as what you do. With these four items out of the way, you will be ready to make her feel incredible. Now go on, have fun.

nitric oxide power your erection

Nitric oxide released from nerve endings triggers erection, freshly oxygenated blood vessels entering the soft mucus membranes release more nitric oxide to harden and maintain a usable erection. Fresh blood pumped into the penis,is the source of the replenished nitric oxide. Blood vessels are continuously removing depleted blood and replacing it with freshly oxygenated blood so that more is nitric oxide released, more tissue relaxes, more blood comes in and a sustained erection are achieved by the recirculation of well oxygenated blood throughout the penis,

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In the grow a bigger penis market place there are literally hundreds of different products to choose from and unfortunately most of them are designed to extract the most amount of Pounds,Dollars or even Euros from your wallet without having the ability to substantiate there outrageous claims.
Most products in question focus on peoples vulnerability after all the chances are if you are looking to increase the overall size of your penis then there is a good chance that it is not that big to start with.
People will tell you that this "magic pill" will fix all your problems the truth is most of the products people are being sold are in fact just designed to rip people off most of them don't have any medical approval or even any solid science behind them in order to back up the wild and crazy claims on the box.

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I have been ripped off by many of these scam artists before and I had all but given up hope of actually finding a product that worked but with sheer persistence I have these are the penis enlargement pills I have used sinrex, vigrex plus, Extenze, Stimul8, at might I add some considerable cost I put my faith in all these manufactures and I'm sad to say have been let down on every occasion.
One day while scouring the internet in late 2009 I discovered a pill called Male-Extra the claims were much the same as all the other pills I had tried only this product had a money back guarantee. Finally I thought someone willing to back up the frankly what I though were ridiculous claims on the box.
So I pulled out my already stretched credit card and brought a 3 month supply and never looked back I saw improvement within the first month and only brought another batch just too see if I could gain any more girth which I'm pleased to say happened and the results last.IIs some times very difficult to see what improvements are being made if you don't record you progress properly. So hear is a bit of advice on taking proper measurement
The girth can be extremely awkward to measure because many people have different size girth measurements depending on which part of the penis that you measure. The standardized way is to measure in the center of the penis shaft.
When flaccid hold your penis out in front of you and wrap a tape measure around your penis. Do not pull the tape measure too hard, pull it to a reasonable level and remember this LEVEL of pull for the next time you measure.
The average flaccid length of girth is between 3"-4". In our video the model has a large flaccid length and girth it is likely that yours will be smaller. Measure around the penis in millimeters and record the result.
Measuring Your Erect Girth
Make sure your penis is 100% erect and then proceed with the measuring. Hold your penis out in front of you so it is parallel with the floor. With your other hand place the tape measure around the penis making sure not to pull too tight.
The average erect girth is 5" - 5.5" according to recent surveys. Measure around the penis in millimeters and record the result.
Measuring Your Erect Length
The erect length is what most members are interested in. Again it is best to measure from the side of the penis. This method is the standardized method that researchers use to measure the "average penis size" which is incidentally between 6" - 6.5" erect length.
Firstly make sure you have a 100% erection where you would consider it the "most erect". Hold your penis below the head and place the ruler next to it with your other hand. The ruler should be slightly pressing against your pubic bone. Measure to the nearest millimeter and it is important that you do not EXAGGERATE the measurement. If anything it is recommended that you round down.
Exaggeration on the measurement could lead to a lack of motivation in the future. The video shows the CORRECT method first and the incorrect method second. Make sure you do the right one! Measure to the tip of the head in millimeters and record the result. measuring your Your Flaccid Length

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The flaccid length of the penis can be dictated by many things, including the temperature. This might mean contradicting results depending on the temperature of the situation that you are in.
Flaccid gains are the first gains that come with our penis enlargement program. To keep results accurate we have a certain standardized way of measuring the flaccid penis.
To measure accurately it is important that you measure from the side of the penis. Stand up straight and extend your flaccid penis in front of you (it important NOT to stretch it), your penis should now be parallel with the floor.
Place the ruler next to your penis so it is slightly pressing against the pubic bone. The ruler and your penis should be parallel with each other (as shown in the video). Measure to the tip of the head in millimeters and record the result.
It's now 2011 and I have not taken a penis pill or done anything to prolong or increase my size since I finished the course in early 2010 and I'm so impressed with the overall speed, and gain in penis size I feel the need share it with people, like yourselves so you can avoid the huge expense it cost me finding out the hard way Male-Extra is scientifically proven and they offer a money back guarantee what have you got to lose?

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If you are looking for tips and ways to increase penis size then here are some basic facts that you need to know before you can move on. There are natural processes that actually result in the increase, and these occur at the age of puberty. What basically happens is that at this important stage, the body produces nutrients and bio chemicals. These are transferred to the penis through the body. A penis has natural receptors in it. When these nutrients and bio chemicals interact with these receptors, chemical reactions occur that lead to the increase in the size. At the end of puberty, these reactions simply cease to occur, and the natural size of the penis is the size that is after puberty.

Body looks and body features have a very important effect in our daily lives, and psychologist believe that if you have concerns about a body part, or if you are not satisfied with it, it could lead to psychological problems such as shying away from social activity, feeling under confident and such like activities. What we are basically trying to build on to is the fact that if you have a penis of a size smaller than normal, you do not need to be ashamed, or hide away. There are steps that can be taken to improve the size, and you should try them out so that you can overcome the problem and face life with full confidence and vigor. There are many techniques that are used for penis size increase, but we are going to talk about the use of a penis stretchers, a device which is used to stretch the phallus in order to increase the size. Before moving on, rest assured that this device is backed up by many medical professionals, and there are no as such side effects of this. Surgery is an option that is used for penis enlargement but most people are not comfortable with that because the idea of a surgery is scary, and it could very well go wrong but the use of ultimate stretcher eliminates the need of surgery, and provides you the results you want. Whether it is an increase in the size, or reshaping of penis that you are looking for, ultimate stretcher helps you out by allowing you to customize it according to your need and hence achieve the best possible results. There are many such devices available that you can choose from, so why should you go for ultimate stretcher? This device has been around for long, and it is clinically test to give proven and permanent results and that alone gives it an edge over other devices available in the market. Apart from that it has a very large success rate, and many users have found that the use of penis stretcher results is a size and shape that is satisfactory, and this is all the more reason to use it. But this is not all: the stretching devices that you will find in the market come with a very large price tags, and that makes them out of range, but the ultimate penis stretcher is a one of its kind device, because it not only gives you the most effective results, it also comes at a very cheap and affordable rate so that there is no hindrance for you when you decide to buy it. This certainly looks like an effective device, but if you are still hovering between decision and indecision, know this all reputable stretchers come with a six month money back guarantee. This means that you get a fair amount of time to try this, and if you feel that you are not getting the desired results, then you can always sending it right back. This ensures that your money is not wasted.

Sunday 26 February 2012

nitric oxide and you erection

 nitric oxide and you erection

Scientists have made rapid advances in the understanding of some really complex biochemical reactions that take place during successful erection, Demonstrating for the first time the biochemical and the neurological mechanisms for continuously producing nitric oxide or (NO) that maintains a usable erection. Published in the March 19 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences discovered that the release of nitric oxide from nerve endings inside the penis are the very first trigger of an erection. But the temporary release of nos - a neurotransmitter that is only capable of surviving just a few micro seconds before breaking down and being removed - couldn't alone explain how erections are naturally sustained.

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Nitric oxide released from nerve endings triggers erection, freshly oxygenated blood vessels entering the soft mucus membranes release more nitric oxide to harden and maintain a usable erection. Fresh blood pumped into the penis,is the source of the replenished nitric oxide. Blood vessels are continuously removing depleted blood and replacing it with freshly oxygenated blood so that more is nitric oxide released, more tissue relaxes, more blood comes in and a sustained erection are achieved by the recirculation of well oxygenated blood throughout the penis,
Erections are triggered for many reasons erotic thoughts or external physical stimulus produces nos release in nerve endings in the penis.( NO) are used by the body as a relaxant that allows blood vessels to expand or dilate, leading to increased blood flow and swelling of the softer tissues. The flow of blood also courses stress on the vessel walls which stimulates the release of even more nitric oxide. This time it is from cells in the wall of the blood vessel - the- cells - rather than from nerves. nitric oxide causes more tissue to relax and the process repeats until the penis is fully erect. Finding this source, a special form of the enzyme called endo nitric oxide, and the realization that the increased pressure of blood against a vessel wall could induce it to produce (NO), were critical pieces of the research into the complex biochemical physiology of erectile function In addition to its application towards new and improved therapies for erectile dysfunction,like male extra supplement, this new understanding of nitric oxide's role in maintaining a usable erection will improve life for so many men suffering erectile problems. and bring satisfaction to not just them but to there partners who all so are affected by this issue.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Grow a bigger penis


Trying to avoid a number of the pit falls when setting out to grow a bigger penis normally the one is free penis exercises or"JELQUIN" best identified as penis strangulation or a whole lot worse the wet cloth method best referred to as water boarding your penis both methods are only dangerous perverse forms involving strangle wanks.

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and your mum will wonder what’s with all the current damp tea towels within your room. my advice is to miss this specific branch of penis expansion education out.
 and save your self lots of time and pain. some of the guys who demonstrate jelquin techniques look like nonce cases and proper wrong-ens you need to clearly understand that you are being groomed by man who wants you to view him strangle his own penis and also other assorted asphyxiwank sick goods he claims will grow a bigger penis you might as well just bounce down stares and get your mum to loan you 300 dollar to acquire a penis stretcher perhaps not but a minimum of you wont get cyber nonce d by a online pedo with a unhealthy fascination with exhibitionism and knob throttling.
Making the correct decision when getting a product to stretch your own penis longer.
Eventually discovering male-extra penile growth promoting pills full of natures bounty the primary penis growth supplement male-extra can kick start your bodies own ability to offer the penis you have been waiting to develop naturally.
Using this proven way to grow a bigger penis will guarantee you faster penis growth and impressive results that could last.   when you do learn to grow a bigger penis and go for male-extra supplement the results is going to be plain to see after only a while of using the penis growth pills
you will be genuinely amazed and enamored using your mew bigger penis.
Taking male extra supplement will not only improve your penis it is going to give your whole body the vitamin and nutrients to improve your overall physical performance general health you can't fail to benefit because of this pure nitric oxide crammed penis enhancement supplement. That is why male extra has been the most used way how to grow a greater penis without resulting to time intensive penis exercise programs, that can actually destruction the soft inner tissues from the penile chamber walls and cause erection problems.
Don’t risk it under no circumstance do anything for a penis that courses you pain you actually don’t want to finish off with a small damaged penis I cannot stress enough that you must never do things to your penis which can be not fun to do you only get one penis so treat it well and keep the idea in tip top problem with safe natural male-extra manhood growth supplements.

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